Welcome to the Massachusetts Bike-Friendly Event Calendar, hosted by MassBike!

This calendar exists to promote events that involve bicycles and/or support better bicycling across the Commonwealth. Here you'll find MassBike-hosted events, along with events submitted by bike-friendly advocates from across Massachusetts.

Bike-friendly events include (but are not limited to):

  • Group bicycle rides
  • Kids bike rodeos
  • Bicycling education events
  • Trail ribbon-cuttings
  • Public meetings/hearings about bicycling infrastructure projects
  • Bike infrastructure celebrations
  • Bicycle races & charity rides

This calendar is open to public submissions, please submit your bike-friendly event! As the calendar host, MassBike reserves the right to remove events that don't align with our values

Since many of these events have been submitted by advocates across the Commonwealth, we highly suggest checking in with event hosts before attending.

Note: Only events that have a full address will show up on the event map, so please make sure to look through the list so you don't miss an event near you.